I can see the unseen!

Today I met Evlan he is very excited about today. It’s now or never for him. 

He just went to the church wishing that everything is going to fall by his side. 

His phone rang!....

& a love story begins, but there’s something amazing i want to tell you...oh but read the story first..

Hey, Susan could you come downstairs I want to tell you something..

Susan looked out of the windows, she felt the need to go out, so she did!

Susan was shocked for a while, she didn’t believed to her eyes,

 Evlan was there in front of her. She went close to him, 

Evlan where are you??.. She cried!

Oh gosh now don’t behave like others...susan!...she left the spot. 

He pick out the ring from his pocket, placed it just behind her leg. With a flower of red rose bouquet. Soon he left the place, She looked behind but there was nothing the girl want to talk about or care about him. 

He left…

The girl was crying and turned behind. The guy was gone! 

She made a space to walk ran to her room. 

Her eyes was completely blurred with tears. She can’t see anythin, so she jumped to her bed and stayed there crying all night!

:: i don’t know whether you will accept me now or not! But the only thing i am sure about the relation we had together for life till now. I was in a bit hurry when i purchased flowers for you so i missed the fast coming car in front of me, I was in a hospital not sure to tell you to come to meet me or not. I don’t know , i just want you to be with me forever.

My brother came to meet me there, He was crying i don’t know why. I just left the place Everyone was crying. I want to meet you so i thought the time is running out. 

There’s just magic in words i don’t know I thought about you and i am there in front of your house. YOu come downstairs but why you didn’t noticed me??

 I was standing in front of you!

You come close to me and then I felt you just can’t see me. You turned away searching me!

I don’t know if you all gone mad or what!. 

Did you even got my flowers and the ring??? 

I don’t know what’s going on! . My brother is also not talking with me anymore. He just kept on switching channels. I’ll continue writing about you in my dairy. This is some strange life i’ve never experienced. 

I think i shall take a leave now!,

Bye susan

Oh sorry i didn’t introduced me, I am uncle john. I am a father in church & gifted with a power,

 “ I can see the unseens”


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