Drago: will you be back?

You have a boring life then somebody suddenly came to your life & changed it up to the extent that you can't imagine in your wildest dreams.
Finally, just tell me !

 How would you feel if you lost him too...?

hi My name is Amy, I am 14 yrs old. I live in california alone!

Yes, I am an orphan. I do have my relatives but they don't care about me at all. I visit them once in a week Just to give them a sense that I am still alive.

I fall in love two times but then within a year I was left with undying memories that are painful enough that won't allow me to sleep many nights.

My Career is oh!
I am a student just like you and that boring classes won't excite me, doesn't matter how many motivational videos I have in my internet history!

That was All I was going through,
   But after that day I never felt this way again in my life.
Not even now, when I can't make that day come alive again ever in my entire life!
experience changes the brain
Well If you are still with me maybe you are dying to hear my experience,

So here it is...

The day started with a tension!
Well, It's the last day of my summer holiday and guess what I haven't completed it yet! You guessed it right!

I went to school even not wanting to & entered in the classroom !
Teacher was asking and rewarding students with a "do it 10 times" order & for bonus I got red colored pattern printed on my hand, off course she carry a Wooden scale with her all day long!

But this day was a bit longer than the other days...
On my way back to home, I saw a strange diary!

It was strange beacause only I noticed it on the street. I picked it up and obviously it doesn't seem to be someone else's property as the way it was fitted in the old burnt building like a brick.

I put it in my bag and moved to my house!
for my suprise when I opened it with excitement I got angry!
"I don't know this language why the heck it doesn't have any title. I can't even Google this!"

The day kept on going, finally i slept...
At night I saw that building again, I entered there and saw a dragon who was burning it with his fire!

when he saw me he starred me for a while and flew away!
I followed him till the possible extent but he flew beyond...


Drago & me

I was wondering about the dream next day!
Even I sometimes take a nap at school but I don't know why I can't see him on the anywhere beside my own home!

well, tonight we met!
I saw the dream and i saw him standing with his big feathers in front of me!
He offered me to sit on his back, I did
He offered me a ride towards the cloud, I did
He offered me a friendship with him, I did!

It goes on...
life was just drifting I was in the flow of life, I felt amazing, I felt alive!
we were meeting again n again And only thing we loved is being together!

The attack
we were flying in the clouds and another dragon attacked us right there hanging in the air! Drago fought with him, i lost the control and started falling down and he saved me !

This doesn't stood for one time, we faced a lot of attacks by other dragons!
you are not safe with me amy!
that's what drago said!
 Honestly I never found my happiness being safe, I replied

A goodbye!
he told me to stay in my world and promised me that he will come to me when I change the way i am viewing my life completely!

the last day he said me Goodbye and flew away with a promise,
i will come back only when you will change the way you view your life!
i kept his promise and I have changed entirely everything!

Back to square one

I never view that book again after i woke up from the dream, I still wish to meet him. But beacuse i promised i do everything i can to live my life the happiest possible way i can!

that was my story!
Thanks for reading!


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